Friday, September 17, 2010

Viva Mexico, Viva la independencia!

Anyone who knows me well knows that I am the champion of celebrating what Blair calls "non-holiday holidays". I can't help it. Of course, my Spanish teaching background practically requires me to celebrate September 16th, Mexican Independence Day. So, here are the picks to prove that I love to find any excuse to eat Mexican food and have a fiesta.

Me and Blair getting ready to host the fiesta.

Aunt Sandy with Will. They were buds from the
moment she gave him a tortilla chip.
John, Steph and Lisa

Hard core Mexican fans: Shauna and Dave

Green enchiladas and Mexican rice.

Outside lining up for the pinata.

Dave: "Let me tell you the best way to break a pinata..."

Stringing up the pinata.

"I'll give you some candy..."

Will's first shot at the pinata.

Stephanie, the parrot's about to get ya!

Swing Shauna!


Lisa, finally someone who can make contact.

Dave. Too much horchata?

Blurry Jodi. Thanks a lot Dave.

Sandy getting ready to pack a punch.

Will with all the goodies from the pinata. In heaven!


  1. I love it! Any excuse for a party right?

  2. So fun Jodi! I didn't even realize it had passed, wow you are so much more loyal than I am :) A pinata and mexican food does sound fun though, so I think I might just have to celebrate it a little late :)

  3. What a great idea. You do some fun things.
