Monday, September 13, 2010

Gardening and other domestic ventures...

So, this year our garden did okay. A lot of things died because of all the rain and cold weather, but we did get some huge carrots, nice lettuce, tomatoes and squash. I was just so excited to see our first watermelons starting to grow. I had to take a picture. I'm so nerdy.

Gigantic carrots!

Blair and I found some wild grapes growing in the back of our apartment complex. He was set on making grape juice and I said I had no idea how to do that. He asked his grandma for her steam juicer and we attempted it. It actually turned out pretty good! He was so proud of those 5 bottles!

Grapes look weird when they are steamed. Kind of know.

Thumbs up for the first try.

Canning has always frightened me. 1) I didn't want to be a "canning mom". Somehow I thought that would make me step back a decade and I would start wearing high water cotton pants and Keds sneakers. 2) Then I would become responsible for the canning knowledge I possessed and therefore obligated to can anything I ever grew in my garden. Well, I just kept looking at all my tomatoes and I just couldn't fight my feeling anymore because I couldn't stand to see all of them go to waste. So, I decided that salsa was the best way to enter the homemade canning world. My friend down the street helped me and I discovered that it was not as hard as I thought. Also, there was a really weird satisfaction and pride that came into my heart every time I heard a "pop" of the lids as they sealed. I am no longer afraid. I am boldly going where so many "canning moms" have gone before. And the thing is....I am quite content. Can't say I LOVE to can, but for now, I am pleased with my work.


  1. We love that popping sound--everyone listens for it. And there is such a satisfaction in looking at those shiny jars all full of food from your own efforts. Good work, Jodi!

  2. You almost make me want to try canning. Maybe next year I'll attempt it. You'll definitely have to share your canning wisdom with me!
