Wednesday, August 22, 2012


So, we decided to go on an overnight camping trip last weekend with our friends the Morrisons.  It was really fun and Will especially enjoyed it.  As we were getting ready to pack up and leave on Saturday afternoon, he said, "Mom, do we live here now?"  I said, "No Will."  He said, "Why not?"  I think that sums up his feelings about camping.

 We found a nice open meadow area to set up our tents.  It was beautiful!

 Will and his friend Camden "helping" Blair with the tent.  Hee hee.

 Dustin, Brynna, and Kassidy working on theirs.

 All the rugrats.
 My favorite pic.  Oh how boys love fires and marshmallows. 
 Will's first fishing expedition with his new pole.

 Somehow throwing rocks in the lake seemed like a lot more fun.

 "I got one!!!"
When you go camping with little kids, there are bound to be some humorous/disastrous moments.  When you go camping with a girl who isn't crazy about camping and is a very inexperienced camper (me), your chances of humorous/disastrous moments increase drastically.  Here are a few of my favorites from our trip:
1.  An hour into setting up camp, Jodi tries to fix the bottle of insect repellant and sprays it directly into her eye.  Feel the burn.
2.  While pulling the banana boats (foil bananas stuffed with marshmallow, butterscotch, chocolate, and caramel) out of the fire, Jodi discovered she neglected to remove the plastic knife she used to split her banana.  Thus, her banana was an ooey gooey mess of banana, butterscotch, caramel and ...melted plastic. 
3.  Camden and Will LOVED to "water the bushes".  This concept was completely new to Will, who recently became potty trained.  He need to water the bushes about every 30 minutes.  Kassidy, who is 18 months old, passively observed the freedom the boys were enjoying being able to water whenever and wherever.  Before we knew what was going on, she was standing closeby, tugging on her pants and trying to make her mark like the boys.  :)
4.  Matthew, who rarely sleeps through the night in our 75 degree home, did not so much as roll over in the 35 degree weather and slept until 6:15.  We however, were awakened at 4:00 in the morning by Will, who was freezing because he had wet the bed...or should I say, the cot.  He slept in between us the rest of the night and snored up a storm.
5.  Because we couldn't find an organized camp spot, we had no picnic table to prepare our breakfast on.  We resorted to using the cot Will had slept on the night before, which is the perfect table, but....eewww...we tried not to think about it.
6.  The best moment ever was when Kassidy was toddling around and stopped to inspect a large (I mean huge) cow pie.  It was like slow motion as I said, "Nooo Kaasssiiddyy.." and watched her bend over and pick up a fist full of dung.  The next slow motion moment was when her mother lunged towards her as she wiped the greenish mud all down the front of her pink cupcake shirt. Awesome.  I am still laughing.

A Good Time Was Had By All!


  1. Hahahaha! I loved this entire blog post, but most especially the humorous moments listed at the end. I think number 2 is my favorite. :)

  2. You are so good! I have yet to journal about our adventures! I will just print this post and stick it in my journal :)

    Seriously, it was so fun to get together with you guys. We need to do it more!

  3. So happy to see your blog! I think I was a bit jealous about will being able to water the bushes because Landon STILL isn't potty trained - I think that is my responsibility...

  4. Loved your list of 'moments'. They truly brightened my day. Thanks! :)
