We had a lot of fun visiting my parents in Ohio. Will got in some good grandparent bonding and we were able to see the church history sites in Kirtland.
Pictures in front of the Kirtland temple.
Then we walked across the street to the Kirtland cemetery.
This is a headstone in memory of several Smith family members. Joseph's twins, Emma, ect.
Wife of Parley P. Pratt.
Stop taking pictures mom! We're trying to read stories here!
John Johnson farm, headquarters of the church for about a year.
Will has a fascination with rocks, so he was in heaven to sit on this one.
The autumn leaves were gorgeous!!
Will was pretty sick of his car seat and stroller.
He needs wide open spaces.
Porch where Joseph delivered a sermon the day after being tarred and feathered.
Room where Joseph Smith received the 76th section
of the Doctrine and Covenants.
Joseph and Emma's room. He was taken from his bed in the night
by a mob and tarred and feathered.
Newell K. Whitney Store.
School of the prophets.
Saw mill
One extremely tuckered out baby.