Monday, September 13, 2010

California trip

So, my friend Charlie from California got married in August, so we decided to take a road trip to California for the event. It was fun, but quick. I had tons of nostalgia driving down the streets of East LA. It was bitter-sweet. I love those places and those people.

Eating sopes in a ghetto mexican restaurant.
They were delicious. Just like I remembered.

Blair outside the "mercadito" posing with the mannequins.

LA temple. It is simply HUGE, and beautiful.

Outside the "Mercadito" in front of the huge
shrine to the Virgin Guadalupe.

My friend Sondra behind the wheel of Miguel's new Solstice.
She was in heaven.

My old landlord in the mission, Miguel.

Blair spent most of his days doing homework in my aunt's apartment.
Had to finish his very last online course before graduating!

My cousin Lauren, me, Will, Blair and my cousin Kyle before church.

Michael, Lauren and Kyle. Thanks for taking care of us!


  1. So fun to see the pics with Hno Perez! I wish there was one of Charlie too, so I could see his wife! I forgot to ask you if he had sent you a wedding announcement, and if so I totally want to see it if it has a picture.

  2. Maisy,
    No announcements were sent. They did a REALLY low key wedding all the way around. His wife is cute. About his same height, not super skinny, but just normal. I should have taken a picture at the temple. I'll see if Sondra has one, but I doubt it since she never takes pictures.
